Actrice en santé

I'm your health promoter.

Let me introduce myself: my name is Séverine and I'm your health promotion advisor.
I joined the company in 1999 as an occupational therapist, and I'm currently in charge of managing health and public health activities. My job is to help you improve your health by providing you with the information you need to take more control over your health, using a health promotion approach.

It's all about implementing health initiatives, but it's also about listening to your needs in terms of health and well-being.

The health actions proposed must address all the determinants of health in a comprehensive and fun approach.

My job as a health actress is to :

  • Be alert to public health needs and priorities;
  • With the help of a small team, design actions, events and information on health and well-being:
    • Health walks
    • Sophrology workshop
    • Theatrical expression workshop
    • Waiting room activities (on the toast box, the sun, etc.)
  • Plan various prevention campaigns (flu, diabetes, various reminder letters, etc.);
  • Coordinate the various programs and actions;
  • Provide information on various health messages and activities (newspaper, Facebook page, waiting room, etc.);
  • get involved in the various community health initiatives run by local associations and players;
  • Ensure the quality of the proposed actions;

So you're likely to run into me in the waiting room in the near future.

See you soon