Hello everyone,

Following the safety council, here are the new instructions concerning the coronavirus epidemic.
All these instructions and measures are designed to protect the population and reduce the epidemic.
So let's respect them and stick together.

From Monday March 23, end date to be defined thereafter:
If you suffer from any of these symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, difficulty breathing...) : STAY HOME!

The Maison Médicale has closed its doors, but continues to treat you in line with new regulations:
No more walk-in consultations
Consultations and non-urgent, priority care (physiotherapy, psychologist, speech therapist, dentist, social worker, etc.) have been discontinued. However, we remain at your disposal by telephone if necessary. Feel free to leave them a message at reception.
Discontinuation of group activities and health promotion activities (walks, yoga, recreation, etc.).
Setting up telephone call periods with a doctor
Following your call to reception, a doctor will call you back during the day and guide you through the next steps. The doctor will assess your state of health and symptoms, and advise you on treatment and/or any action to be taken.
Prescriptions for chronic treatment or other documents will be requested at reception, and a one-week waiting period applies for receipt of your prescription. Documents can be sent by post, e-mail or picked up on site, but only as a last resort and only by a symptom-free person.
The MME doors are closed, so please ring and answer the doorphone.
Our doctors, receptionists and colleagues are doing their utmost to help you. Thank you for your patience on the telephone and on the door phone. Please take good care of yourself.

You can take the following steps to improve your personal hygiene:
Wash your hands regularly.
Always use new tissues and dispose of them in a closed waste garbage can.
If you don't have a tissue to hand, sneeze or cough into the crease of your elbow.
Help slow the spread of the virus with the following tips:
Avoid shaking hands, kissing or hugging when greeting someone.
Watch out for at-risk groups (people over 65, diabetics, people with heart, lung or kidney disease, immonuderepressed people, etc.).
Children do not become seriously ill from coronavirus, but they can spread it easily. Contact between children and the elderly is therefore not recommended.
Try to keep your distance in crowded places.
Avoid contact with people who are visibly ill, or keep a safe distance.

For further information, please visit:
