Wearing a mask

The Belgian College of General Practitioners advises us to wear a mask whenever we leave our homes.
This additional "barrier" measure enables us to protect each other in addition to basic measures such as physical distancing and hand washing.

But it's not easy to find a mask.

Medical masks, such as surgical masks and FFP2-3s, are designed for use by carers.
Fabric masks, on the other hand, are perfectly suited to outdoor use (shopping, walking, on the way to work, etc.).

So don't hesitate to make your own fabric mask or have it sewn.

The recommendations for your mask are :
- Use a polyester fabric or several layers of cotton, or even the fabric of a kitchen towel. Do not use silk.
- Use different layers of fabric for better protection.
- Use filtering materials such as a vacuum cleaner bag.

Recommendations for wearing the mask
- Regularly machine-wash these mouth masks at high temperature (90°C).
- Make sure that the mask fits snugly around the nose and chin. You must breathe through the mask, both by mouth and nose.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching the mask.
- Do not touch the inside of the mask. You can recognize the inside by its color.
- Use the ends of the ribbons to handle the mask, keeping your hands as far away from your face as possible.
