Because confinement can generate tension in our homes

Confinement generates tension in the home, as the sources of stress are greater. Parents have to deal with totally new situations, such as the combination of telecommuting and the non-stop presence of their children (not to mention the job of teaching them). And on the other hand, there are far fewer ways to escape or take a breather (Friday night outings, housework, children's extra-curricular activities, etc.).

Tensions that sometimes lead to violence, against oneself or other family members. Professors at UCLouvain specializing in family and parenting issues have set up a help line for parents in difficulty.

The helpline can be contacted on 0471/414.333 from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. At the end of the line, a team of psychologists are on hand to help you find a new equilibrium, to get everyone involved, to understand and accept the negative emotions that family confinement can generate, and even to find the good in the situation.

There's also a site to help you: "burnoutparental".
This site offers advice and solutions to help parents avoid cracking under pressure.
