Author: Séverine Declercq

Dear patients , Following the national safety council of 24/04/2020, here are the latest recommendations to follow. Be attentive and stay at home !!!

We're continuing the fight against COVID 1.stay at home 2.keep your distance 3.wash your hands 4.wear a mask At the medical center Call your caregiver, social worker, speech therapist or psychologist: he or she will decide whether an appointment is necessary. 3 people maximum in the waiting room: - come alone - 5 minutes max before the appointment ...

Wearing a mask

The Belgian College of General Practitioners advises us to wear a mask whenever we leave our homes. This additional "barrier" measure enables us to protect each other in addition to basic measures such as physical distancing and hand washing. But it's not easy to find a mask. Medical masks such as surgical masks and FFP2-3 are designed for caregivers. Fabric masks, on the other hand, are ideal for outdoor use (shopping, strolling, walking ...).

Here is a list of services available to you during this period of confinement.

Services to help you in case of violence, mental problems, ... IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, the following services are there to help you: In case of medical emergency, call 112 (ambulance and fire department). EXCEPT if you think you have the coronavirus, call 1710. For emergencies requiring protection, call 101 (police). For suicidal thoughts, call the Centre de prévention du suicide on 0800 32 123. In the event of sexual violence, go to the nearest Centre de prise en charge des violences sexuelles (Brussels: ...

Toll-free number for social emergencies during this period of confinement.

As of Monday, the Brussels Region is launching a toll-free number (0800 35 243) to deal with social emergencies during this period of confinement. "The aim of this number is to direct each social request to a person capable of handling it. It offers an extended professional listening service and answers to situations of social distress, the extent of which and all their expressions are not yet known". Workers from personal assistance centers and comprehensive social action centers will be on hand to listen and, if necessary, ...

Because confinement can generate tension in our homes

Confinement generates tension in the home, as the sources of stress are greater. Parents have to deal with totally new situations, such as the combination of telecommuting and the non-stop presence of children (not to mention the work of teaching children). On the other hand, there are far fewer ways to escape or take a breather (Friday night outings, cleaning lady, children's extra-curricular activities, etc.). Tensions that sometimes lead to violence, against oneself or other family members. ...


Hello everyone, Following the safety council, here are the new instructions concerning the coronavirus epidemic. All these instructions and measures are designed to protect the population and reduce the epidemic. So let's respect them and stick together. From Monday March 23, end date to be defined: If you suffer from any of these symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, difficulty breathing...) : STAY HOME! The Maison Médicale has closed its doors, but will continue to treat ...

Upcoming activities

Tuesday 19/11 from 10am to 12pm: Active health walk Tuesday 19/11 from 2pm to 5pm: Flu vaccination Friday 22/11 from 9am to 12pm: Podology Friday 22/11 from 9.40am to 1pm: Theater workshop Cancellation of the 18/11 "mes cadeaux au naturel" workshop Mandatory registration for activities on 0476/387579 except flu vaccination ...

Theater workshop

This Friday, November 8, the theater and body expression workshop kicks off. Come and share a moment of pleasure, free expression, laughter and good humor. Fridays November 8-16-22-29 and December 6-13, 9.40 a.m. to 1 p.m. ...

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My natural gifts

Sources d'Harmonie and La Maison Médicale offer a new module for creating natural cosmetics. Just for the pleasure of giving! 2 modules of 2 sessions each to create healthy, natural end-of-year gifts. Creation of healthy and environmentally-friendly cosmetics. Session 1: castile soap, lip balm, bath salts. Monday 4/11 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the J. BREL school (rue loossens entrance) Friday 8/11 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Esseghem medical center. Price: 3€ Session ...

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Yoga initiation workshop

The medical center embarks on the Yoga adventure. We offer introductory workshops in Viniyoga. Yoga teaches you to feel in perfect harmony with yourself, to become aware of your body and to relax by living in the present moment. Through postures, breathing exercises and relaxation, a yoga session helps to soften the body, calm the mind and soothe the emotions. A time for yourself that helps you regain calm and positive energy. Module 1, which has just been completed ...